According to the latest study published in Biomedical Signal Processing and Control Journal, the prediction of heart failure can be detected by a single heartbeat, say, doctors.


With the help of 'Artificial intelligence (AI)', doctors can analyse the state of a person's heart and detect the rate of heart failure with just one heartbeat using AI technology. Doctors say the prediction will have 100% accuracy.

The study published in Biomedical Signal Processing and Control Journal was to research how technology is evolving to detect different health issues in a human body. Three universities including Surrey, Warmick, and Florence too up this research.  

The research shows that using artificial intelligence in predicting heart failure rate, the AI can detect Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) which is a 'Chronic Progressive Condition' that affects the blood circulation in a human body.

The study also hints says that convolutional neural networks have been proved more effective in studying different health patterns.

Putting more emphasis on the AI-powered detecting, the study notes that existing ways of anaylsing health situation consume more time and are inaccurate while the technology-driven model induces advanced signal processing to study ECG signal which can help detect failure rates effectively and accurately.