If you yearn for flawless, beautiful and glowing skin stop wasting precious money on expensive creams and serums. Changing your diet can help a great deal if you want healthy skin.


Here are five foods that you should eat for a good skin, as per Telegraph.co.uk.


Munching on some almonds every few hours is beneficial for your skin as it helps keep acne at bay. Almonds, which are rich in Vitamin E and an antioxidant, not only helps to give you healthy skin but is also great for your eyes and immune system.

They also help control cholesterol levels, protect against diabetes and boost cognitive function.


Onions are your best bet when it comes to fight ageing of the skin. Onions contain 'face lift nutrient' as it has skin strengthening properties which help the skin cells hold their shape and lessen wrinkles and sagging.

High sulphur rich foods like onions also battle acne. Onions also have Vitamins A, C and E, all antioxidants which fight sun damage.


Beta-carotene and Vitamin A present in the juicy summer fruit helps replenish your skin and make it glow.

Mangoes also help lessen dark spots, blemishes, acne and remove blackheads.

Oily fish

Oily fish fights acne, eczema, and psoriasis, the redness and irritation caused by inflammation. They contain omega 3 fatty acids which is good to keep skin youthful.


It's no secret that water is great for healthy skin. Consuming enough water especially helps when you have dry skin. 

Eating fruits and veggies which have high amount of water also helps.