Much has been written and spoken about maintaining the body’s pH levels, consuming alkaline-forming foods and avoiding acidic foods. The benefits of doing so are believed to be many, ranging from weight loss, increasing energy, better skin, and so on. What caught our attention is the suggested link between the body’s acidic levels and cancer, and we asked experts if it’s true...


Dr Otto Heinrich Warburg was a German physiologist, medical doctor and Nobel laureate, who devoted his life to study the causes of cancer. He was of the opinion that all cancers occur due to an oxygen deficiency in the organism. If your body lacks oxygen your organism becomes acidic which enables cancer cells to develop. He discovered that cancer cells are anaerobic (do not breathe oxygen), which means that they can’t survive in an alkaline body (high levels of oxygen). There’s a rule without exception, “All normal cells have an absolute requirement for oxygen, but cancer cells can live without oxygen. Deprive a cell 35 per cent of its oxygen for 48 hours and it may become cancerous.”

The pH balance is the balance of acid and alkaline in all fluids and cells in our organism, and what we eat is what keeps the pH levels balanced. In order to survive, the body has to balance the blood’s pH levels at a slightly alkaline level of 7.365. Eating unhealthy, acid-forming foods such as processed sugars, refined grains, GMOs, etc leads to unhealthy acidic pH levels. When the pH levels aren’t balanced, cellular activities and body functions are interrupted. If the pH levels tip to the acidic side one can develop a variety of diseases, ranging from heartburn, osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and cancer. Also, if the body is acidic for a longer period of time, the aging process will rapidly accelerate.

Expert speak

“I don’t believe in this theory because there’s not enough research and proof on it. Cancer has multiple causes ranging from family history, genetic mutation, environmental factors like exposure to pollution, industrial chemicals, vices like alcohol and smoking. Hormonal changes in the body are also responsible for some types of cancer, not all. Therefore, there are different reasons which contribute to different forms of cancer,” says Dr Meghal Sanghavi, consultant oncosurgeon.

Dr Nilesh Lokeshwar, oncologist, Zen Hospital, says that this theory has not been proven. Lack of oxygen in the body will cause a fall in blood pH. However, oxygen deprivation will also affect normal tissue cells making the patient very sick and requiring oxygen supplementation and intensive care hence, cannot be the only cause for cancer.

As for the aging process, Dr Monica Jacob, aesthetic physician and cosmetologist says, “The body produces phosphoric acid in the process of protein metabolism and excess amounts are solidified as salts which build up in the walls of our cells and cause them to stiffen and this resulting thickening creates an inability to properly hydrate the cells. It also creates a severe decline in nutrient and oxygen delivery into the cells and toxin and waste removal from the cells. In other words, a steady decline in cellular function results — we call this decline aging. Highly alkaline fluids will wash these acid salts away and help return cells to a more youthful level of function.”


Do our experts agree that if the pH levels tip to the acidic side, one can develop a range of diseases, from heartburn and osteoporosis to cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and cancer? Dr Shishir Shetty, Director of Oncology, Hiranandani Hospital, Vashi – A Fortis Network Hospital, says, “There is a concept of ‘pith’ in Ayurveda. However, in modern science there is no proof. The fact that certain lifestyles, especially amongst those who consume lot of junk food and alcohol makes them more prone.”

Dr Lokeshwar disagrees saying, “The pH levels in the body are tightly controlled between 7.3 and 7.4 by the kidney system within the body. If the pH levels decrease, the patient can become very sick and this is not a cause of cancer. However, within a tumour cell the pH can decrease but not the pH levels in the blood. Similarly within the tumour the level of oxygen is known to decrease but this is not affected by the blood oxygen levels. If the blood pH levels are on the higher side it cannot prevent, cure or treat cancer.”

Home remedies

We found a home remedy online, to help alkalise your body and stay healthy, and asked experts if it actually works. Here’s the remedy:

- 1/3 tsp baking soda

- 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice or organic apple cider vinegar

Mix the two ingredients together and wait for the mixture to start fizzing. Continue adding more baking soda until the fizzing stops and add this mixture to a glass of water and drink it all at once.

Dr Sanghavi opines that this remedy might have a temporary effect of about one to two hours. There’s no mention of how many glasses are to be taken and how often. “I don’t think that just having one glass daily is not going to alkalise the body, as the above remedy might or might not work,” she adds. Dr Lokeshwar says that this will not help, as alkalising the body is not a proven method for treating cancer. Therefore, drinking such remedies are not known to treat cancer.

Dr Jacob advises, “Avoiding eating processed and junk food is a great way to prevent your blood from becoming too acidic. Stay away from soft drinks, carbonated beverages and drinks that have a lot of refined sugar, because they take away certain nutrients that are important for neutralising acid in your blood. Eating mostly organic alkaline foods is a way to bring your blood pH back to its normal state.”