The key to life is water. This straightforward beverage flushes away undesired pollutants while giving our bodies the vital hydration they need. Water is essential for overall health and all bodily processes when consumed regularly. Even our skin and hair need to drink enough water on a regular basis to be shiny and healthy. Most people agree that drinking a glass of water first thing in the morning is a good habit. However, we must continuously drink water in order to fulfil the daily requirement. 


Drinking water before a meal is a common practice and it can have both benefits and considerations. Here's an explanation of the potential effects:

Promotes hydration: Drinking water before a meal helps ensure that your body is adequately hydrated. Staying hydrated is essential for overall health and proper bodily functions.

Appetite control: Consuming water before a meal may help control your appetite. Water takes up space in your stomach, which can create a feeling of fullness and potentially reduce the amount of food you eat during the meal. This can be beneficial if you're trying to manage your calorie intake.

Digestive aid: Water is necessary for proper digestion. Drinking water before a meal can help prepare your digestive system by moistening your mouth and facilitating the breakdown of food. It can also aid in the absorption of nutrients from the food you consume.

Prevents overeating: Sometimes, thirst can be mistaken for hunger, leading to overeating. By drinking water before a meal, you can ensure that your body's thirst signals are adequately addressed, helping you avoid unnecessary calorie consumption.

Personal preference: Some people find it enjoyable to have a glass of water before a meal as part of their routine or to cleanse their palate.