Pranayama is a breathing exercise that can be done at the beginner level. All you need is 15 minutes of your day,  a clean and sound place, and an empty stomach. Pranayama should be done in the early morning, but if you prefer the evening, make sure you stick to the schedule. If you wish to practice Pranayama, start with the introductory Anulom Vilom. 


The fourth 'anga' of yoga, Pranayama, helps in improving cognitive functions. According to a study by Pubmed, the fast and slow Pranayama proved helpful for cognitive functions. However, the fast pranayama has further impacts on working memory, sensory-motor performance, and central neural processing

Anulom Vilom Pranayama

One of the major effects Pranayama does on your body is that it improves breathing and strengthens the lungs. This breathing control exercise is quite helpful in tackling lung conditions like asthma, pneumonia, and tuberculosis. 

Kapalbhathi Pranayama

Another effective pranayama can help in losing weight, eliminating belly fat, and balancing your body’s sugar levels. It also helps in improving the function of the abdominal organs.

Ujjayi Pranayama

Ujjayi Pranayam helps you concentrate and can even treat thyroid disease and lessen snoring.


It helps in energizing the body and the mind