To keep the heart safe and healthy, the medical experts believe to raise awareness of using olive oil in regular food. 


Jaee Khamkar Dietician from Fortis Hospital Kalyan, said, “Olive oil is the key to better life, it lowers the levels of total blood cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and Triglycerides. At the same time it does not alter the levels of HDL-Cholesterol as against other oils that raise them,  which plays a protective role and prevents the formation of fatty patches, thus stimulating the elimination of the low-density Lipoproteins. The beneficial effect of olive oil consumption with regard to cardiovascular disease has been demonstrated in primary prevention, where it reduces the risk of developing heart disease”.

According to doctors olive oil would be useful if it is a substitute for saturated fats but it should not be an additive to your fat content.

Dr Nilesh Gautam,  Senior Interventional Cardiologist, Asian Heart Institute, said, “It contains monounsaturated fats more sue to which blockage of blood decrease. It is rich and contain good type of cholesterol more in comparison to bad type of cholesterol. It has a factor of keeping check on blood clot and so the tendency to form a blood clot is less. Additionally, there are few case study research which states that it helps to keep diseases like alzheimer, cancer, inflammation and swelling of stomach away. “