Aditya Tiwari became a household name when he was called the youngest single father in the country. But little do people know that he had also adopted a child with Down's Syndrome.


On The Health Site, Aditya writes about the trials and tribulations of going through the adoption process. 

Aditya had met Avnish, formerly Binney, on September 13, 2014, in Madhya Pradesh at the Missionaries of Charity – Jyoti Niwas. Avnish was just six months old. 

He was told that no one wanted to adopt Avnish as he was a special child with a hole in his heart, a defective eye and weak legs. Aditya wanted to adopt Avnish, but the laws at that time did not allow unmarried people to adopt. But this did not dissuade him from connecting with the child as he kept visiting Avnish, making a trip from Pune to Indore and later from Pune to Bhopal when the child was moved there. 

Down's syndrome
Down's syndrome is genetic disorder where a child 's mental and physical development is delayed or impaired. 
Common physical features 
  • Flat facial features
  • Upward slanting of eyes
  • Small ears
  • A protruding tongue

​Avnish's turmoil

Avnish is not an orphan. He was abandoned by his "well-educated and well-settled" parents because he had Down’s syndrome. 

Aditya Tiwari

... when I visited him in the month of March 2015, I was told that he was moved to the Delhi centre of the orphanage for foreign adoption, and I was asked to stop following him. That is when I smelt something fishy, and I wrote to Delhi chapter of the orphanage. I was shocked to find that no child was transferred to the Delhi centre from Bhopal. Meanwhile, I had started researching about the authority that handles adoption in India for help. I wrote to the State Adoption Resource Authority (SARA) and Central Authority Resource Authority (CARA), but I received no help. After that, I wrote to the Prime Minister’s Office and the President of India. I finally got in touch with the Minister of Women and Child Development, Smt Maneka Gandhi, and was shocked to learn that she had already instructed CARA to look into the matter. That is when CARA actually looked into the matter and concluded that there was no record of Binney with Child Welfare Committee and that it had no clue that a child had been moved to Delhi for foreign adoption. The orphanage had illegally kept Binney and 30 other special children. It was a case of child trafficking, and I raised the issue with National Human Rights Commission."

After following up and completing several formalities, Aditya finally adopted the baby and got custody of him on January 1, 2016.

Raising a child with Down's Syndrome

Though Aditya faced innumerable hurdles he while adopting Avnish, he hasn't been happier. 

He says that he has had no difficulties in raising the child despite his medical condition. He brushes away questions like taking on ‘additional responsibility’ and says such perception only shows how our attitude towards special needs children is wrong.


" He is no additional responsibility. He’s my son. I care for him as one would care for any other child," he said.

His parents have moved in with him to help him raise the kid. 

Tiwari says that he has accepted that Avnish will not grow up as fast as other children and is absolutely fine with it. He says that he wants to focus on the child's strengths than the difficulties he may have to face while raising him.


"My goal in life is to make him independent. I focus on his strengths," says Tiwari.

Aditya says he and Avnish went on a trip and gotten even closer.

Aditya's challenges

Aditya also faced difficulties as people came up with bizarre questions towards him when he was trying to adopt Avnish. 

His friends discouraged him saying that he would be diminishing my chances of getting married by taking that steps. Some people told his parents that he was trying to adopt as he couldn't father a child. 

Aditya and Avnish (Image source: Aditya Tiwari's Facebook page)

But since the adoption he has only received praise and admiration from all corners of the society including parents of children with Down’s syndrome. "Women have wanted to be associated with me. My friends say that they are proud of me," he says. 

He is positive about his son's future and about finding love in a woman who will accept both him and Avnish.

You can read his entire story here.