Diabetes stands as a mounting global health concern, affecting millions worldwide. This metabolic condition involves the body's immune system targeting its own insulin-producing cells. The most prevalent form, Type 2 diabetes, emerges when the body becomes resistant to insulin or fails to produce enough of it. While diabetes can impact anyone, it's more frequently diagnosed in women, who also face a higher risk of complications like heart disease, stroke, and kidney issues.


National diabetes world: 5 major symptoms in women 

Increased Thirst and Urination: A primary warning sign, heightened thirst and frequent urination indicate the body's attempt to expel surplus sugar from the bloodstream.

Increased Hunger: Diabetes often triggers increased hunger due to inadequate energy absorption from consumed food.

Fatigue: Inefficiency in converting food to energy can lead to persistent fatigue and weakness, a common warning signal in diabetes.

Blurred Vision: Poorly managed blood sugar levels can impair vision by damaging the blood vessels in the eyes, signaling the onset of diabetes.

Slow-Healing Sores: High blood sugar levels often hinder the body's natural healing process, causing wounds to take longer to mend due to damage to blood vessels and nerves.

Moreover, additional signs like numbness in hands or feet and gestational diabetes should not be overlooked, as they also signify potential diabetes-related concerns.