What price motherhood? Tens of thousands of pounds? A major operation that sees tissue removed from your ovaries, stored in liquid nitrogen at minus 190C, and then regrafted into your body when you decide you want children? That may sound like some strange, dystopian vision, like a plot from a movie where women have their eggs harvested as if they were reproductive robots, but if one infertility expert has his way, it will soon become reality.In the next six months, Dr Gedis Grudzinskas hopes to open a clinic in London where, for a not insubstantial fee, women will be able to "bank" tissue from their ovaries during their twenties and early thirties (the years of peak fertility) and have it reinserted later, when they are ready to fit children into their hectic schedules. The technique - which is currently only available in the US, Denmark and Belgium - has so far been used mostly in cancer patients who fear being left infertile by chemotherapy. It is said to be more effective than IVF. And Dr Grudzinskas wants to make it available to all British women - or at least all British women who have a spare pounds 16,000. "This technology is so much more efficient than we thought it would be," he says. "Women in their late twenties might consider freezing their eggs until they meet Mr Right."Ah, the elusive Mr Right! For Dr Grudzinskas's next fertility trick, perhaps he could create him in a Petri dish. That's not a totally ludicrous suggestion, given that German and Israeli scientists revealed earlier this year that they were close to producing human sperm in a laboratory. In the UK, the fertility industry is worth an estimated pounds 500 million, but in the US it is closer to pounds 2.5 billion. The number of IVF cycles carried out by British women rose from 18,200 in 1992 to 57,652 in 2010. But is the introduction of a technique that allows us to freeze our ovaries a scientific step closer to having it all, or a costly and potentially dangerous exercise that feeds off the insecurities of a generation of women who are frightened they may never have a child?Prof Robert Winston, the former head of the IVF clinic at Hammersmith Hospital, thinks the latter is true. "I am afraid I am pretty jaundiced now about the work of many private clinics. I think that things like this need to be done with integrity, and scrupulously. I think I have a problem with anything that creates a market for eggs. There is no guarantee that there won't be genetic damage, or foetal damage. It is a pretty unreliable way of delaying the menopause. In fact, I think it's disgusting, but I don't need to get myself a libel action."Lord Winston has called the practice of "egg" freezing "a giant confidence trick. It is a con, it is as simple as that. It's a jolly good way to make a lot of money out of women, but it is a truly terrible way for them to plan their families." Many private IVF clinics now offer IVF packages, as if what they are selling is an all-inclusive holiday rather than a baby. Winston has criticised the huge fees that some charge. "Too much of what clinics are doing is exploitation, and it is driven by avarice. The NHS is basing its fees not on what it costs but what it thinks the market will bear… It is a scandal." He has also been scathing of the "experimental techniques" used in private clinics. "There are no randomised controlled trials, and without trials we cannot know that they work. Can you imagine going into hospital with cancer and a doctor saying 'I am going to give you this treatment because I think it might work?'"Dr Gillian Lockwood, of the British Fertility Association, is also sceptical of the benefits of freezing sections of the ovaries, even for cancer patients. "There is the theoretical risk of re-transmitting cancer cells back when the ovarian tissue is reimplanted." She adds that the operation in itself runs the risk of ruining fertility. "For 'social' egg freezers, it is vital that nothing is done that could jeopardise their natural fertility. Many will, hopefully, be able to conceive naturally, and surgery on the ovaries carries the risk of compromising natural fertility if scarring or adhesions damage the fallopian tubes."Dr George Ndukwe, medical director of Zita West's Fertility Centre in London, says that ovary freezing "is, if you will pardon the pun, a bit like putting all of your eggs in one basket. It is still very much in its infancy." Only 19 babies around the globe have been born as a result of this process. Another fertility expert, who asked not to be named, said that "a far better way to get pregnant would be to go on an 18-30s holiday. I know that sounds crude, but it is important to be honest with my patients with regard to their chances of conceiving through the freezing of their eggs."Zita West says more and more young women arrive at her clinic desperate to conceive. "There was one woman who'd had her house feng shui-ed and was told that she couldn't get pregnant because she was sleeping on the wrong side of the bed. The fact that her husband was away for work for half of the year didn't seem to come into it."Another patient had visited a hill in the Chilterns that is supposed to boost fertility. And then there was the lady who travelled to Austria to drink from a special waterfall. All of them had fallen into the trap of believing they would never get pregnant naturally, that their bodies would punish them for having wanted a career.West adds that for a generation who can find out something at the touch of a button, who suffer from information overload, we are woefully uneducated about our own bodies: "There are women who have been on the pill for 15 years but haven't got a clue about their cycles." We are also impatient, desperate to see results immediately - the actress Davinia Taylor admitted to resorting to IVF before she had even attempted to conceive naturally. But with only two days a month of fertility, becoming pregnant can take time."You can't beat the biological clock," says the broadcaster Kate Silverton, 41, who recently gave birth after four failed attempts at IVF. "There are so many people who think that IVF is going to be an easy cure-all. They have no idea what it entails emotionally, physically, financially and statistically."Susan Tollefsen became Britain's oldest first-time mother when she gave birth to her daughter Freya after IVF treatment at a Russian clinic in 2008. She was 57 at the time, and now admits that she was too old to become a mum. Tollefsen's partner, apparently fully supportive when she became pregnant, has now left her. "I have a great emotional feeling when I look at Freya, and a sadness when I realise time's running out," she says. "If I could change just one thing, I would wish to be younger, so I could enjoy watching her grow up, get married and have children of her own… the prospect of her being taken from me, if I die, particularly when she's still young, breaks my heart."It may not be a popular thing to say, but there is a reason that our fertility drops rapidly after the age of 35.