Mental disorders like depression and anxiety can be difficult to manage. When dealing with such issues, it is hard to resolve them without a clear calm mind. 


One in five people in India suffer from some form of mental disorder, according to The 'Aarogya Bharat' report by the Healthcare Federation of India (NATHEALTH).The report also found mental health-related costs would account for 20% of the economic loss from non-communicable diseases (NCDs) between 2012 and 2030. In 2014, a WHO report stated India has the largest number of suicide rates in the world. 

These alarming numbers indicate that we need to pull in as many resources available to combat and reduce the number of mental health issues. One such resource that is freely available to all is Yoga. Researchers have found practising yoga has many mental health benefits.  

According to Shape Magazine, researchers from Boston University and the University of Utah, studied yoga's effects on the brain. The brain is filled with receptors that respond to chemicals known as neurotransmitters. Researchers linked one type, known as GABA (they respond to gamma-aminobutyric acid), to mood and anxiety disorders. When your brain's GABA activity drops you feel more anxiety. However, practising yoga boosts your GABA levels. The study also found people implementing yoga practises experienced less anxiety.

 1. Uttanasana or a forward bend 

Benefits: Reduces stress, anxiety, depression, and fatigue. Also soothes the nerves and calms the mind.

2. Viparita Karani or legs up the wall

Benefits: Relieves symptoms of mild depression and insomnia, as well as calms anxiety.

3. Marjariasana or cat pose

Benefits: relaxes the mind.

4. Balasana or child pose 

Benefits: Relieves stress and fatigue.