As an 18-year-old, you must have often wondered how life would treat you when you would be 35? 55? 75? Would you be happily married? How many kids would have have? Would you be fit and healthy? What about your career? Now that you’re probably 35, 55, 75 or somewhere in between, is there any advice you’d like to give your 18-year-old self? When I gave this a thought, here’s the letter I wrote:


Dear Resh,

You’re pretty kicked by this whole business of wearing a white coat and learning to be a doctor. Good for you. Just don’t carried away. Understand the basics well, you’ll need them later (no spoilers for you!).

And while you’re into this whole thing of getting people back to health, why don’t you give yourself some attention too?

You’re not FAT but yes, losing a few kilos could help. Stop eating maggi, samosas and ice creams. Get off your lazy a**e and buy yourself some veggies and fruits. I know it’s tough to get any food to the hostel but trust me, no one’s going to steal veggies! When you’re double your age now, you’ll discover how hard it is to lose even half a kilo. Just do me a favour and start working on it.

You live in such a beautiful campus. Have you ever wondered how it looks at 6 AM in the morning? You could make the effort to get up and go for a jog if only you slept before 2 AM, isn’t it? You’d argue that you can study only late at night (going to all your friends’ rooms and asking how much they’ve studied doesn’t count as studying!).

Believe me girl, you need exercise not just to look better. You’ll realise how they take a toll on your hormonal levels (which in turn play havoc with all your systems) much later in life. So just ditch the laziness monster and get, set, go!

Dad and mom love yoga but you don’t, do you? It’s too slow and does nothing for you. Well, sometimes you just need to trust things which are tried-and-tested for thousands of years. If you could see me struggling with getting both feet off the ground for padmasan, you’d cry (or probably laugh your lungs out!).

I know you don’t get too much money to spend but keep away from those cheap cosmetics. You don’t need those to look stunning. Stick to basic good quality sunscreen, will you? And silly, it’s not just for summer!

And there’s one thing that’ll really keep your skin the way it’s intended by nature – washing your face well; washing it off all the experimental goo that goes on it. And while we are on the subject, don’t ever share your cosmetics with friends.

Trust me, it’s going to hurt your skin more than your friendships. I almost forgot – don’t miss your oil champi twice a week. I know you have very thick and gorgeous hair now, but don’t take it for granted! 

This may sound silly now but you just don’t drink enough water. Well, when you suffer from kidney stones in a few years, you’ll regret it. 

You’re not a very naturally social person and don’t like being part of big groups of friends all the time. That’s okay. But do love and respect the few genuine friends you have. And talk to them, pour your heart out. You’ll go through your version of personal hell in the next few years and they will stick by you and help you beat stress. 

And here are some things I tell myself these days (they will help you too):

Don’t worry about the future. Just live one day at a time. 

You’re unique, just trust yourself and your abilities. Listen to your gut. Always. You’ll see why it will be your greatest strength.

Don’t take yourself too seriously. You’ll have an interesting life. You’ll end up the way you intended to. 

Just breathe in and out.

XOXO, (That’s not a new form of binary code, no!)


​This article was originally published on