A lot of people are affected by hyperuricemia or high uric acid levels, which can result in a multitude of chronic health issues. A natural byproduct of the digestion of purine-containing meals is uric acid. When the body can't get rid of enough uric acid or produces too much of it, high uric acid results. Uric acid levels can be maintained through proper diet and medication. 


High uric acid: Causes 

- poor gut health or low metabolism 

- Inactive lifestyle or lack of physical activity

- Having more proteins and less fat

- Heavy dinners

- No regularity in your sleeping and eating time

- Less intake of water

How to reduce uric acid levels naturally: 

- Exercise every single day 

- Stay hydrated

- Do not have lentils/beans and wheat for dinner till your condition gets better

- Include sour fruits like amla, berries, etc to your diet

- Manage your stress 

- Sound sleep every night. Sleeping better can help improve your digestion