If you've been looking for an online platform to set health goals for yourself or take complete charge of all your health problems, you're in luck. Alivemeter, does this and more. Launched on World Diabetes Day, Alivemeter has been engineered by a team including graduates from IIT and other leading institutions of India.


Our hectic work schedules today have become an obstacle to lead a healthy life. Amidst chronic diseases, fast food and a sedentary culture, Alivemeter provides health information and smart health managemental tools.

Members can not only access information related to health problems, but can also get access to leading doctors in their vicinity and healthcare professionals. Members can also keep a count on their calorie intake to maintain a holistic lifestyle.

“Globally, the search for health-related information is one of the highest. Four out of five web users look for health information, that’s a whopping 80%.  However, not all these searches end in providing care. When we turn to the web for anything and everything, why not leverage Internet for health too!” said one of the founders.

The platform can be used to share one's health history and details, to receive a proper guideline for appropriate action to be taken. In addition, members can set health goals, track performance, identify their health problems and much more. It is also a forum to receive essential and interactive modules which include electronic health records, calorie counter, health tracker and access to nutritionists. By allowing access to healthcare professionals, Alivemeter aims to bridge the gap between patients and doctors.