Winter is here which means dry and rough skin, lifeless hair. This calls for extra hair and skin protection for people who already have dry hair and skin. Olive oil can come in handy to solve all their beauty woes.


Olive oil is good for moisturising dry skin. Massage it well in to your skin, not just the face but the whole body and get a glow in no time. Areas like the elbows and knees get too dry and massaging them with it will lock in the moisture for longer. By massaging this oil, you can improve the elasticity of the skin and its regenerative properties will help prevent the formation of stretch marks. It may also lighten the present ones slightly. (Read: 8 amazing haircare benefits of castor oil)

Here’s a pack you can make for your face:

Mix some honey and egg yolk in olive oil and blend them all together. Now, apply it on your face and leave it for 10-15 minutes before you wash it off with lukewarm water. This will help get back the moisture in your skin and also get rid of the impurities.

If you suffer from problems like dry, flaky scalp or dandruff, switching to olive oil is a good idea. Massage it with your fingertips in circular motion and then on the tips to get shiner hair. It is very light and does not make your hair too greasy. Applying it weekly once and then washing your hair after 30 minutes of application will give you good results.

People who have frizzy hair or split ends can massage their locks with lightly warmed olive oil. Remember, don’t heat the oil too much as olive oil loses its properties at high temperatures. One can even use it in combination with egg to add volume and shine to their mane.

Olive oil has antioxidants and good fats which help get rid of the free radicals and also heal the skin. Extra virgin olive oil is considered the best quality olive oil but you can find lower grade ones too in the market. Use it all winter to keep your hair and skin looking lovely. (Read: Beat hair problems with home-made hair packs)