Ginger and honey are common ingredients in our everyday life and are extremely good for your health. But apart from adding flavour to your foods make a great combination for your health and are extremely effective in weight loss.


How does ginger and honey help in weight loss?

Ginger has very potent carmative properties due to the volatile oils and diastase enzyme present in it. The root helps increase secretion of saliva in your mouth and kick-starts the digestive process. This helps improve your metabolism, cleanses the stomach of toxins and aids in weight loss.

Apart from that honey helps hasten the digestion process too and soothes your stomach so that you can keep ulcers at bay.

How to use ginger and honey?

Take a small piece of ginger and crush it to extract about one teaspoon of its juice. To this, add a teaspoon of honey and mix it well. Now have this mixture two times a day preferably as soon as you wake up and just before bed time.

A word of caution: Since this is a home remedy it will take time to show results. Also, please do not use this instead of medical advice and consult your doctor before you try any home remedies.


  • Parambariya Maruthuvam by Dr Shakti Subramani.
  • Herbs that heal — natural remedies for good health by H K Bhakru

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