Gone are the days when I would skip wearing those low-back blouses or backless dresses because of the unsightly blemishes and spots on my back. Although, now there is no turning back, thanks to a soothing, natural remedy to my rescue.


Just like mine, your hunt for the perfect remedy for a blemish-free back could end with – tea tree oil! It’s a remedy that I’ve been swearing by to get rid of dry skin, backne and marks on my back. The antiseptic properties of tea tree oil cleanse and moisturise the skin. Its antibacterial nature prevents the formation blemishes and breakouts.

This is a cool, refreshing remedy which is great for flawless skin. It’s time, you should try it too! Here is how you can use this ingredient for a backne-free skin:


  • Take 2-3 tsp of tea tree oil with 1 cup of water and mix the two.
  • Dip a cotton ball into the mixture and gently apply onto the affected area.
  • Ensure to do this at least 2 times a day for better results. Let this be a part of your night skincare regime.

Originally published on www.thehealthsite.com