It often happens to us that we have problems like a heavy stomach or stomach ache after eating food. This happens only when we overeat or eat something that causes problems like constipation, gas, indigestion or flatulence. These stomach-related problems mean disturbances in our digestive system. In such a situation, you are advised to avoid a few things.


Do these remedies for stomach-related problems

  • If you are troubled by stomach-related problems, constipation or gas, then drink 1 glass of warm water mixed with lemon.
  • If you are troubled by stomach cramps, then grind 20-25 mint leaves, 1 teaspoon coriander leaves, black salt according to taste, 1 teaspoon roasted cumin, a pinch of asafoetida and juice of one lemon. After that drink, it is mixed with water.
  • If you are troubled by stomach-related problems again and again, then soak ajwain in water at night and keep it. Get up in the morning and drink water after filtering celery. By doing this regularly, stomach-related problems are removed.

Eat these things for a healthy body

  • Eat more and more chemical-free grains. It enhances digestion and immunity, as well as helps in weight loss.
  • Eat seasonal fruits and green vegetables at least two to three times a day. It is rich in nutrients and is easily digested.

Do these measures to digest food

  • Walking strengthens our digestive system and relieves stomach-related problems. By walking briskly for thirty to forty minutes daily, food is easily digested.
  • Also, by chewing the food, it is easily digested and there is no problem like gas or constipation.