At present, the whole country is struggling with the coronavirus Pandemic. There are hundreds of patients in every city, every street. Everyday, reports of shortage of beds and oxygen are also coming out, but doctors say that more than 80 percent of COVID-19 patients are recovering at home only through home isolation. 


In such a scenario, it is advised not to show the urgency of rushing to the hospital immediately as soon as the coronavirus report comes out positive. However, after recovering from the virus, there is another problem which is bothering the patients and that is weakness.

Patients with mild symptoms of COVID-19 take about two weeks to recover, while patients with severe infections take about 4 weeks to recover. But even after recovering from the coronavirus, most people continue to experience weakness in the body. In such a situation, they should take care of these essential things along with eating and drinking so that they can help in recovering from weakness.

Do these things in the post COVID-19 recovery diet

-Along with eating fruits like pomegranate, orange, apple, and papaya, you can drink their juice as well. It also helps in getting rid of the weakness.

-Before sleeping at night, drink milk. Milk helps in strengthening our bones as well as in removing weakness.

- Consuming vegetables is essential for the body, and you can also drink vegetable juice. Spinach, carrots, tomatoes, beetroot juice are also rich in vitamins and minerals, which helps to remove weakness.

- Include foods that are rich in protein and antioxidants in the diet. Also, eat things that are easy to digest so that the already weak body does not have to work very hard to digest the food.

Keep these things in mind too

- Do not stop having multi-vitamins, vitamin C and zinc tablets that are recommended by doctors immediately after you test COVID-19 negative. Continue taking these multivitamins for a few days after consulting a doctor. This will also help in removing weakness.

- Ensure that there is no shortage of water in the body. Drink enough water and take other products like coconut water and juice etc.

- Even after the COVID-10 report comes negative, some problems persist in many people. So don't put too much pressure on your body for a few days. Walk a little and do a little exercise.

- After recovery, keep an eye on your oxygen level, keep distance from family members for a few days, wear masks at home and rest well for at least 10 days even after corona report is negative.