Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis identified a new set of genetic markers (DNA sequences on a chromosome helps identify individuals) - for Alzheimer’s that point to a second pathway through which the disease develops.What was the first pathway?Much of the research on Alzheimer’s centres on amyloid-beta, a key component of degenerative neural structures called brain plaques that build up in the brains of Alzheimer’s sufferers.What are the new genetic markers? Scientists identified several genes linked to the tau protein, which is found in the tangles that develop in the brain as Alzheimer’s progresses and patients develop dementia The findings may help provide targets for a different class of drugs that could be used for treatment. How are amyloid and tau different in their behaviour?Whereas amyloid is known to collect in the brain and affect brain cells from the outside, the tau protein usually is stored inside cells. So tau usually moves into the spinal fluid when cells are damaged or die. Elevated tau has been linked to several forms of non-Alzheimer’s dementia.How did they reach this conclusion?The scientists analysed points along the genomes of 1,269 individuals who had undergone spinal taps as part of ongoing Alzheimer’s research.


Analysing genes that are related to high levels of tau, 3  genes have no effect on amyloid-beta but the fourth APOE, which was linked to it.

In addition to APOE, the researchers found that a gene called GLIS3, and the genes TREM2 and TREML2 also affect both tau levels and Alzheimer’s risk

Can Alzheimer’s now be cured?Finding that APOE is influencing more than one pathway could help explain why the gene has such a big effect on Alzheimer’s disease risk. It now may be possible one day be possible to reduce Alzheimer’s risk by targeting both pathways.