Prosthodontists were created to create beautiful smile. All dentistry is not the same kind. There are many more advanced kinds of dentists who specialize in different areas regarding dental and oral care and are equally important in their own ways. One among them is a prosthodontist. A prosthodontist is someone who is specialist in dental implants, crowns, bridges, dentures, and many more. They explore often more than what a dentist usually does, and do so with more expertise and precision which is quite remarkable in terms of medical sciences.


Prosthodontics is a recognized dental speciality which is related to the diagnosis, treatment planning and maintenance of the oral function. Dr. Tareq Burezq is one among them and is a special type of dentist called a prosthodontist. As a small set of dentistry, prosthodontics often focuses on the construction of artificial appliances which are made for restoring oral functioning and is quite important for the dental structure. The usual services offered by a prosthodontists like Dr. Tareq Burezq often includes replacing missing teeth, offering suitable substitutes for teeth crowns, and many more.  

Dr. Tareq Burezq has many laurels under his name. He went to the University of Missouri in the United States to become a Doctor of Dental Surgery. After that, he went to Harvard University to receive his Master of Medical Science. He has also received a Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies from Harvard University which speaks much about his excellence. Dr. Burezq is quite an expert with his work and is very sincere about it too. He is providing the best possible treatment and care to all of his patients which is perfectly splendid. He is providing others with the smiles they desire. It is always a dream to have a perfect dental structure and he makes that dream come true.

What he does is quite magnificent too in terms of dental treatments which he provides with exceptional quality including cosmetic dentistry, crowns, bridges, dental implants, dentures, temporomandibular disorders (TMJ/TMD), overdentures, prosthodontics and teeth extraction which is a long list of his impressive nature of medical work.

The term ‘prostho’ means replacement and ‘dontist’ means dealing with teeth. Mainly the prosthodontists are the recognized experts who are referred when anything needs to be replaced in the mouth. This can range from a single tooth, multiple teeth or all teeth and gums in the mouth. Although many other dentists can do some of these treatments, prosthodontists are the specialists dedicated to this type of care. This is what makes them different from the regular dentists.

Prosthodontists have advanced training in restoring and replacing teeth. They are said to be the leaders of the dental treatment plan. They quite regularly lead teams of general dentists, specialists, and other oral health professionals to develop solutions for your dental needs.  

It is so exciting to see how many satisfied patients Dr. Burezq already has seen and that is how it is easy to decode why he is quickly escalating his path as one of the top most prosthodontist in the world.Dr. Burezq can help with any issue involving the mouth, it’s hygiene, structure and oral care. If one needs professional and experienced help with oral and dental care, they can find Dr. Tareq Burezq in Salmiya, Kuwait in Asnan Tower. He will make sure you receive the best service possible. This undoubtedly speaks quite highly of his best supervision in area of prosthodontics. Dr. Tareq Burezq in his own way will make the dentistry and prosthodontics cover new heights.

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