Today is World Hypertension Day. Many of you may not know that Hypertension is another name for High Blood Pressure and doctors also call it Silent Killer. That is, it is a disease that takes millions of lives every year without making noise, yet it is not considered an epidemic. In this, the patients feel that they are perfectly fine, but they are not. This has also been proved in many studies.


In the language of science, this disease does not give any symptoms in the initial stages. But doctors believe that all things are hidden in the silence of this disease. And if these things are heard, then death due to hypertension can be prevented. But now the question are people able to do it? The answer is no. We suppress this silence in the noise of tension. And today we will analyze this tension.

What is hypertension?

During hypertension, the blood pressure in the heart's arteries increases significantly. And during this pressure, the heart needs to work more to maintain the flow of blood in the body and this condition is called Hypertension or High Blood Pressure.

According to the WHO, if the blood pressure readings are 140/90 or more, then it is considered dangerous. Readings of high blood pressure patients are around this. If the blood pressure is 120/80, it is considered normal. WHO says that even if readings remain 130/85, there is nothing to panic about. However, after this, the stage of Hypertension starts.

According to the World Health Organization, currently 113 crore people worldwide have hypertension, that is, one in every four men and one in every five women is suffering from hypertension. In simple words, this disease has spread all over the world. And the situation in India is also not good.

In 2016, 16 lakh people died in India due to this disease. To guess how big this figure is, you may know that about 2.75 lakh people have died due to coronavirus in India in the last one and a half years. That is, this disease is more dangerous than COVID-19. And it is also called Silent Pandemic. That is, a disease that is causing havoc without making noise.

This disease is limited to urban areas only. In cities where 33 percent of people suffer from this disease, the figure is 25 percent in villages. The great thing is that people in villages never consider Hypertension to be a disease. People there often associate it with stress and anxiety and as a result of this, there are more deaths.

You must have noticed that when a person has anxiety and starts to get angry at everything, then the people around him say that the person is in a bad mood. But do you know that being angry, sad or anxious all the time on every little thing can be symptoms of Hypertension? Most people ignore these symptoms and for this reason, the disease takes a dangerous form.

We give you 5 big reasons that cause this disease. The first is family history, if anyone in the family already has a disease of high blood pressure, then it is possible that other members may also get this disease. The second reason is being surrounded by anxiety and stress all the time. The third reason is smoking and drinking. The fourth reason is to eat too much salt. And the fifth reason is obesity and lack of exercise.

According to the WHO, there is a risk of heart attack, heart stroke, kidney failure and loss of eyesight during hypertension. At present, the maximum effect of this disease is in the countries of India, Africa, America and Europe.

We want to tell you today that what often people forget to understand tension can lead to hypertension. And this disease is also more dangerous than coronavirus. So don't take it lightly.