A recent study has reportedly revealed that the short temper of some sports coaches could be the outcome of excessive concern with how others see them.The study conducted by academics at the University of Leeds and Northumbria University found that coaches who focus more on their own high standards and care less about the opinions of others are significantly better at controlling outbursts of anger than those who focus more on others' opinions of their performance.Lecturer in sports and exercise science in the University of Leeds' Faculty of Biological Sciences Dr. Andrew Hill, who led the study, said that outbursts of anger from coaches is a familiar feature of many sports at many different levels, which is not good for anybody, as everyone wants a calm and analytical mind on the sidelines.The research that surveyed 238 coaches from various sports found that the coaches with 'high personal standards perfectionism', who focus less on others' opinion of them were more capable of reappraising negative feelings and find solutions in a more constructive manner.However, coaches who placed a higher emphasis on their perception by others were more prone to a fear of making mistakes and they had less control over their emotions, thus being more at risk of losing control of angry feelings.The findings of the research have been published online in 'Perfectionism and Emotion Regulation in Coaches', the study added.