The year 2016 saw a lot of diets like paleo, Mediterranean and protein-based ones becoming a hot favourite among nutritionists and dietician. Dietician Christy Brissette writes in Washington Post about foods trends which the experts believe will dominate in 2017.


Here are the top 4 food trends as per Brisette. 

Sorghum, or as we call in India, jowar

Indian dish called Ponkh

Touted as the new quinoa, sorghum is an great source of fiber and rich in protein. It is also a source of magnesium and phosphorus and iron and B vitamin niacin and B6. These vitamins and minerals convert food into energy.

It is fiber-rich gluten-free and available locally.


Sprouting seeds, nuts, beans and grains has always been healthy for your diets as it greatly increases fiber and protien constituents. 

Brisette also says that sprouting deactivates 'anti-nutrients' like phytic acid thus making protein and minerals easier to absorb.


Pulses need to be a part of one's daily diet. They can be used to replace protein received from meat.

Additionally, Brisette, says nuts and seeds can be incorporated in daily diet healthy snacks. 

Good fats

According to Brisette, we need to embrace the health benefits of the  most nutrient - fat.

Noting that after 20 years,  Food and Drug Administration, has updated its view that only lower-fat foods are healthy, she says the nutrient is essential as an energy source and to absorb fat-soluble vitamins. 

She also says fats are required to feel satisfied and for palatability.

Apart from omega-3s and monounsaturated fats, 

Saturated fats, once looked upon as unhealthy, has naturally occurring trans-fatty acids such as conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). The CLA, as per studies lower the risk of coronary heart disease and prevent cancer cells from increasing.