Breast cancer challenges and changes a woman's life 360 degrees and the ordeal is, at times, beyond the grasp of the patient. But there comes a time when faith replaces rationale, which eventually becomes an anchor in the difficult journey. Here are four breast cancer survivors who tell us about who or what kept them going.


Kusum Patil, 56, Homemaker

When I was going through the chemo sessions, it was extremely tough because I was filled with fear about what would happen to me. I have always believed in God and my Guruji; who was based out of Ahmednagar. So in moments when I had to undergo chemo and surgery, I would chant the mantra that Guruji had given me -- Om Gurudev Datta. Time and again, I would also chant Mahamrityunjay Mantra. This helped me stay calm. Chanting these mantras really made me feel better. Once, while chanting, I had an overwhelming experience that I can't even describe in words. Even though I am cancer-free today, there are moments when fear still grips me. I chant my guru mantra and it helps me fight these anxieties.

Neelam Kumar, 55, Writer

In 2005, I was introduced to Nichiren Buddhism, which gives you the freedom to test the Buddhist philosophy and see if it works. I had been a believer but when I was tested positive for cancer for the second time, it shook me completely. I thought through on how to deal with the difficult journey and decided to do it the way Nichiren Buddhism preaches, which is, chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo, with complete belief. I started chanting this mantra every day with all my energy and I experienced that my being was filled with courage, compassion and hope.

During the chemo sessions, when the skin is supposed to wrinkle and turn black; my skin was radiant. Even my doctor was surprised that despite such toxic fluids being injected in my body, my mind, energy or spirit were not affected. So, it was three pillars that helped me sail through -- faith, study and practice.

Harshula Tulapurkar, 46, Homemaker and Student

For me it was positive thinking and an immense desire to overcome this entire ordeal. In addition, being resilient, which is a personal trait, helped me in several ways. I believe that if there's a problem, it really depends on how you tackle it— either you overpower it or give into it. I believe in the former and so I decided to create a positive aura around, and let medicines and chemo do their job.

Medical treatment is not the only thing that cures cancer. If that were the case, everyone would survive. It also depends on how the patient approaches it and the outlook towards dealing with it. Not once in my entire cancer journey did I think that I would not survive. Despite the fact that during that phase, I lost around 8 people whom I knew to cancer. I retained the positive approach till I was cured.

Rupal Bhatt, 51, Salon Owner

When I tested positive for cancer, I was not afraid, despite the fact that I had to undergo surgeries. This was solely due to the unbelievable support of my husband, who had been my pillar of strength. His moral support, positive words and impeccable sense of humour made it easier for me to go through the surgeries. He created a positive environment in the house, and if I may say, even a fun-filled atmosphere. He organised a party for me to celebrate the fact that I was cured and got a cake with the message on it that read "victory over the dreaded C". With the support of my husband, my family members and along with the positive attitude, I walked out on cancer.