Remember when the kid of the family was given almonds at breakfast because it boosts powers of concentration?  Well, the old stereotype got some things right. As the world becomes more competitive and fast-paced, there could not be a better time to focus on keeping one’s brain sharp and in top form. More importantly, the increase in incidences of neuro-degenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s in the modern day should compel us to think seriously about brain health.


There has been much focus on diets which help the brain, including a diet called MIND (Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay), a mixture of the Mediterranean and DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diets.

So to help you pick what is best for you and your family, we put together a little list of brain-friendly foods:

*Leafy vegetables:

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Yes, you do have to eat your greens. Leafy vegetables are a great source of Vitamin E, an antioxidant that prevents free radicals from reducing the amount of oxygen in your blood stream., and thus to your brain. According to a study from Rush University Medical Centre, people who ate 1 to 2 servings of leafy greens each day had the cognitive ability of a person 11 years younger than those who consumed none. Which ones? Spinach, lettuce, kale, collards, broccoli. It has been found that one cup of raw spinach has 15% of your daily intake of vitamin E, and 1/2 a cup of cooked spinach has 25% of your daily intake. Moreover, green leaves contain high amounts of iron and Vitamin K. Iron deficiency has consistently  been shown to affect memory and cognitive faculties adversely.

*Go nuts!

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Yes, eat those almonds. Nuts like peanuts, almonds, hazelnuts, cashews, and also seeds like sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, flax seeds contain healthy fats, a trait they share with fish, another excellent brain food. They contain Omega 3 fatty acids, and these have been shown to help cognition process. They also contain the radical-trapping antioxidant vitamin E. Walnuts are especially beneficial to the brain.

*Whole grain foods:

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The brain needs glucose to function. Wheat pasta, brown rice, wheat bran and other ‘browns’ contain the necessary carbohydrates. Brain bonus- they have a low-glycemic index which means they release glucose slowly into the bloodstream, keeping up with a steady supply of energy.


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‘Brain berries’ is what Steven Pratt, MD, author of Superfoods Rx: Fourteen Foods Proven to Change Your Life calls them. A highly popular health food, blueberries contain anthocyanin, which protects the brain cells from oxidation, and improves communication between neurons in the brain. They may also reduce the effect of age-related neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s and dementia.

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Other berries, such as strawberries and acai berries also give the brain a boost. A Harvard Nurses' Health Study of 16,000 women over the age of 70, reported here, found that women who consumed 2 or more half-cup servings of blueberries or strawberries per week remained mentally sharper than those who didn't eat the berries.


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This delightful source of guacamole is also a source of healthy monounsaturated fat.  This aids blood flow, which means better blood flow to the brain, hence healthier brain. It is also a source of antioxidant Vitamins C and E- again, good news. But it is a fatty fruit, so keep the portions down to 1/2 or 1/4 of the fruit to keep off the unnecessary pounds.

Apparently, you won’t feel like eating much more anyway.


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The Indian remedy for, variously, dark skin, cuts and bland food, turmeric contains curcumin, which sharpens the memory and leads to increased production of brain cells. It also lessens inflammation of the brain, and reduces risk for Alzheimer's. 

This one poses little trouble for the curry-loving Indian. Go sprinkle some haldi in your doodh today.

If this list is too conventional for you then try out bee pollen and bone broth, as suggested here, or take a swig of yerba mate, a herbal tea of South American origin.