It's summer and the heat has already started to soar making us all sweat and feel sticky. Stepping out of the house makes us fell irritable and cranky. Here are 5 things you can do to stay fresh and cool this summer.


1. Drink lots of fluids and liquids

Drinking water and liquids like juices, coconut water and milkshakes help maintain the water content in the body and keeps you healthy and cool.

During summers the water loss is the body is high as the heat causes the body to emit a lot of sweat which leads to water and fluids from the body getting evaporated.

Water content in the body is managed well if one drinks a lot of liquids.

2. Take a cool summer cut

Taking a new shorter hair cut during summer helps one feel fresh and cool. If one doesn't want shorter hair tying hair in a ponytail or bun is good way to beat the heat.

Sweating leads hair to get sticky and smelly which adds to the irritability. The cool hair cut or hair style helps one feel more confident and makes the irritation level lower.

3. Use wet wipes or wash face regularly

Continuous sweating leads to a sticky face and neck which adds to the irritability faced by many during summers. Using wet wipes helps make the face moisturised and non-sticky.

The freshness of a sweet smelling wet wipe brand makes it better for people to feel fresh when they are unable to wash their face regularly.

Washing the face makes the cells of the face get refreshed and is the simplest and best way to beat the heat.

4. Use sunscreen and carry an umbrella

The summer sun and heat can cause sun strokes, using a sunscreen helps prevent the skin from getting tanned and helps keep it healthy.

Carrying an umbrella helps prevent the strain of the sun from causing strokes, fatigue and palpitation.

Sun screen and an umbrella are extremely useful to help prevent health issues caused by long hours in the intense summer sun.

5. Wear cotton or light colour clothes

During summers wearing cotton clothes helps keep cool. Wearing light coloured clothes reflects the intense heath of the sun and reduces the sweat emitted by the body.