We all love dates whether it is the date chutney, the date sweet dish or simply the fresh or dried dates. The humble date or khajur is packed with nutrients that are vital to carrying out several functions in your body. Here are some  reasons why you should include dates in your daily diet.


Maintains sugar levels: Want to satisfy your sugar craving? Instead of gorging on candies coated with sugar, have a few pieces of dates or sweets made out of it to beat your sugar craving in a healthy way. They are a good substitute for white sugar as they are free of sodium, cholesterol and fats. But remember, their calorific value is higher than other fruits so too much can lead to weight gain. You can try this healthy date and walnut sweetmeat.

Aids digestion: These little nuggets are rich in fibre which means they are good for our digestive system and bowel movements. It also means, they prevent the build-up of LDL cholesterol which can put your heart health at risk by increasing your chances of getting hypertension, stroke, heart disease, etc. Ajwain is also a good digestive aid.

Prevents anaemia: Iron is an essential nutrient required by our body to prevent anaemia. It helps our red blood cells carry oxygen better to various body parts which help in their better functioning. Lack of iron can leave you feeling fatigued even after doing the smallest of tasks. Eating khajur can beat this deficiency. (Read: There’s more to anaemia than just iron deficiency!)

Lowers risk of heart disease: Dates contain about 656 mg of potassium per 100g which makes them a powerhouse of potassium. According to WHO guidelines, an adult should consume 3,510 mg of potassium every day. Lower levels of which can make one more susceptible to high blood pressure, stroke, etc. Here are top 10 heart healthy foods.

Improves overall health: Apart from all the above goodness, dates are also rich in other essential nutrients like calcium, magnesium and vitamin B6. Both magnesium and calcium are needed by the body for proper bone growth while vitamin B6 is needed to break down protein, maintain normal levels of nerve function.

Originally published on www.thehealthsite.com