Many of us make an effort to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables. Intake of the most important vitamins and minerals is also ensured, in addition to variety. We frequently come across lists of vegetables and fruits that are high in a certain vitamin or mineral, such as calcium or magnesium. Foods high in water, however, should also be a category you take into account. These can help you stay hydrated and feel satisfied for a longer period of time.


Some foods that are high in water encourage regular bowel motions and maintain gut health. They can also help your body remove toxins. Many of these can be especially helpful for those trying to lose weight because they are low in fat and calories.

Here are some fruits and veggies with high water content:

1. Melons

Melons are one of the most water-rich foods. According to reports, watermelon has a 92% water content, compared to a 90% water content for muskmelon (kharbuja/cantaloupe). Both these summer fruits are also low in calories. Their high water and fibre content encourages fullness and prevents cravings. Additionally, they include a tonne of other nutrients: muskmelon is a wonderful source of vitamin A, while watermelon is high in antioxidants.

2. Papaya

Around 88% of a papaya's composition is water. It contains the papain enzyme, which facilitates digestion and aids in the breakdown of proteins. This makes papaya a blessing for digestive health, as does the fact that it is high in fibre and water. It can ease constipation and associated issues. Antioxidants, phytonutrients, and vitamins A, B, C, and K are all present in papaya. Additionally, it contains immunity-building and anti-inflammatory qualities.

3. Cucumbers

Many of us think of cucumbers first when we consider hydrating summer ingredients. This healthy vegetable has little calories and fats. Its high water content (almost 95%) is supposed to help with digestion and weight loss. Magnesium, potassium, manganese, and the vitamins C and K are also found in cucumbers.

4. Spinach

Spinach has a water content of 90% or so. Calcium, iron, and magnesium are abundant in this green vegetable. Since it contains a lot of insoluble fibre, it maintains your energy levels while also reducing your hunger. Vitamins A, C, K, and folic acid are all abundant in spinach. Carotenoids in it support better eye health. Additionally beneficial to your immunity, heart, and bones.

5. Tomatoes

You now know one reason why tomatoes may be so juicy and refreshing—their 94% water content! Tomatoes are low in calories and high in fibre. Additionally, they contain lycopene, a crucial antioxidant. Vitamins A and C are also abundant in tomatoes. Consuming tomatoes can strengthen your immune system, support heart health, and give you healthy-looking skin. The calcium in it can also help maintain healthy bones.