‘What most Indians don’t know about sex’ can be made into a full-length movie. And a sequel or two. Perhaps a whole movie franchise. But, here are things many first-timers or even 4th, 11th and 30th timers wished they knew. You think you are a pro? 

  1. Done wrong, it hurts like mad.
  2. Done right, it is the most glorious, wonderful thing ever.
  3. There are many ‘other’ erogenous zones in the woman’s body.
  4. Ditto for men.
  5. The g-spot doesn’t play hide and seek. It is not hit or miss either. (Indian men please note.)
  6. People fantasise about other people all the time.
  7. First-time sex with first-timers is quite ‘Meh’! (tongue sticking out smiley).
  8. You could get an STD even it is just oral sex.
  9. A condom is not a hundred percent guarantee against STDs or even pregnancy.
  10. Foreplay is ‘for as long as it takes’ and not cursory stroke, or a kiss, or two.
  11. The hotter you are, the more you sweat. And not in a good way.
  12. Perfumes and deodorants can’t mask the smell down there.
  13. The path to success does not lie smooth. You may have to use a lubricant.
  14. Hymen intact or not, women do not always bleed.
  15. Or, they may bleed a lot, especially if it is dry and rough.
  16. Flavoured does not mean tasty.
  17. You won’t climax together (unless of course you are extremely lucky, but the odds are slim if you are still reading this).
  18. You may not even orgasm.
  19. Kamasutra is to sex what a Ph.D is to academics. Wait till you graduate.
  20. So you think you have done it? Better check, there are many a married virgins around.
  21. Emergency contraceptive pills may not work if you are overweight.
  22. There are 3 holes down there. Only 2 are for intercourse and legally, just the one.
  23. Size does not matter. Who are we kidding?
  24. It is not going to be like porn.
  25. Swallowing semen during oral sex will not get you pregnant. 

In school, you learnt about the bare necessities of life: food, shelter and clothing. They left out sex in our textbooks. No prizes for guessing why. So either you learn by reading (who are we kidding?), talking to friends (like they have done it before) or watching porn (don’t believe everything you watch).

And it is one of those things that can only get better with practise. But, if you are doing it for the first time or planning to do it, then better beware.

This article was originally published on www.thehealthsite.com