Please watch the movie What to Expect When You’re Expecting.  Nope not the book. The M-0-V-I-E. Read the book when you are pregnant to know what to do or expect. But, watch the movie to realise not every pregnancy is the same.


Pregnancy is a baffling, scary, strange adventure that comes with quirky, bizarre experiences no one ever talks about. You may or may not experience all of them, but some of these are sure to ring true!

1) Morning sickness is a misnomer. It is just plain sickness morning, noon, night or all day.

2) Not everyone has that ‘glow’.

3) Your skin gets super, super dry and itchy. Did I say super?

4) Short-term memory, what is that?

5) Hormones make you crazy creative!

6) People think it is ok to touch, prod or poke your tummy.

7) Sex goes out the window.

8) Sex is glorious and you are horny all the time.

9) It is not always safe (for your unborn baby) for you to be around babies especially if they have not been vaccinated.

10) Your nipples turn black (yes, black) with icky, blacky, flaky stuff.

11) Baby’s kicking doesn’t hurt, silly :-)

12) You will go up a shoe size forever.

13) You feel sleepy all the time.

14) You hate the sight of ice cream. Pav-bhaji makes you want to puke. Bye bye favourite food.

15) Breakouts are bad. Teen acne anyone?

16) Pain is not limited to labour pain. Pain plays peek-a-boo with your whole body.

17) You have to follow bizarre traditions like keeping your hair tied up.

18) Nose bleeds, gum bleeds, spotting, who needs periods?

19) Mood swings during periods: X. Mood swings during pregnancy: X 100

20) You want to sniff petrol/pick your poison.

21) Dreams take on a life on their own. Too bizarre to describe.

22) Dry hacking cough is a constant companion.

23) Hiccups that refuse to go.

24) Your innie becomes an outie.

25) Last slept on date _____________.

If any of these things happened to you or someone you know, tag and share.

This article was originally published on