Few things can come as a much more ruder shock than the news that you are infertile. All of us would want to leave our legacy in this world by producing offsprings, and to have that gift taken away from us can seem the end of the world. If you want to remain fertile, then beware of these 10 factors!



While a laptop may be your go-to device for everything from ordering a meal to earning your salary, scientists have said that keeping a laptop on your thighs can affect your sperm quality and make you infertile. A study published in the journal Fertility and Sterilitysuggests that ejaculated sperm (of men working with a laptop) was significantly damaged. 


The list of diseases linked to obesity is long. It is also the leading cause of infertility in both men and women. In men, it can affect the sperm count and in women, it makes miscarriages likelier and also interferes with their menstrual cycle. If you are obese, it is important that you fight the condition and get back in great shape. It may take months of hard work, but will keep you happy for years after. Not only will it make you healthier, it will be great for your self confidence too! Read about the 10 ways losing weight can help your sex life!


Like obesity, the list of diseases linked to smoking is long. Its harmful effects are well publicized and are prominent in public consciousness. A report by the British Medical Association showed that smokers may have up to a 10-40 percent lower monthly fecundity (a.k.a. fertility) rate.

However, smokers continue smoking thinking it wouldn’t happen to them. If you are a smoker, then do read our guide on how you can survive the first 72 hours of staying quit!

Triclosan soaps and deodorants

A common antibacterial and antifungal ingredient called triclosan has been linked to infertility and other hormonal conditions in its users. There’s also enough evidence to suggest that the compound doesn’t have greater efficacy than regular soap which would mean it would be a good idea to check your soap and deodorant ingredients the next time you’re at the supermarket!

Tight underwear

While ripped men in tight underwear may send the oestrogen levels soaring, there’s enough evidence to suggest that they’re not good for their sperm! The logic behind it is simple – your scrotum is a little below your body because it needs to be cooler than the rest of you but tight underwear raises the temperature which affects sperm production. Even though certain studies have debunked this theory, it is better to be safe than sorry!

Soy-based food

Soybean is a rich source of protein, and is great for your health but scientists have found a link between soya-rich diets and lower sperm counts. While it is not something that you should completely avoid if you have a healthy sperm count, it is definitely something that you should not make a staple in your diet. Read about how soy can affect men’s sexual health!

Low fat dairy foods

While ice-cream and milk are actually good for your fertility, a study has found that women consuming too much of low fat dairy foods are 85% more likelier to have ovulation problems. So be wary the next time you buy these products to cut down on calories.

Mobile phones

Mobile phones have become just as important as clothes and food in today’s day and age. And, even though scientists are still arguing if mobile phones can make you infertile, you should not keep them too close to your groin area as radiation can affect the quality of your sperm! Read about whether electromagnetic radiation from mobile towers can harm you.


Sweets are omnipresent in our country and distributed with joy at every religious festival or happy occasion but eating too many of them is bad for your sperm. The reason for this is while there’s a spike in insulin when you consume sweets, and once the sugar high is gone you feel drained and exhausted. To counter that, our adrenal glands release adrenaline and cortisol which if stimulated too often can lead to a miscommunication with your endocrine system. Definitely not good for fertility. If you have a sweet tooth, then check out our 10 ways to beat sugar cravings.

Originally published on www.thehealthsite.com