What is the nutritional difference between basmati and brown rice?— Rahnuma Patel

The nutritional difference between white basmati and brown rice is irrefutable. But the nutritional debate on which one you should include in your diet is still one of the most controversial questions ever.


Basmati is a flavourful, long grain rice that has been refined and in the process lost minerals and vitamins from its outer bran or husk. Brown rice, on the other hand, is unrefined and still retains its ‘whole-grain goodness’. It has more manganese, selenium and magnesium than its polished cousin — the white basmati. There’s no denying these nutritional facts.

But is it really a better option to consume brown rice over basmati? Prima facie it would appear so, but I beg to differ. And here’s why.

Foods are divided into food groups on the basis of the benefits they provide. Rice is a carbohydrate, which is an energy-giver. Rice is not your predominant source of vitamins and minerals. Any additional vitamins and minerals you gain from eating brown rice are so miniscule that shifting your food preference for the same seems rather unnecessary. It’s like hiring a lawyer because he can also cook. It’s great that he can, but that additional qualification won’t really help your case. You don’t hire a lawyer for his cooking skills. And you don’t eat rice for its minerals.

Fruits and vegetables are your powerhouses of essential antioxidants and minerals. One apple can give you a hundred times more vitamins and minerals than a hundred spoons of brown rice. So why look for them in rice in the first place? Will you stop consuming oranges because they don’t give you proteins? I wouldn’t. I certainly would not recommend one rice over the other. Now that you know the nutritional difference, choose your rice based on your taste preference. And get your vitamins and minerals from fruits and vegetables.

Pooja MakhijaConsulting nutritionist and clinical dietitian


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