Of course you can’t stay young forever, but aging depends on your lifestyle. According to scientific findings it is a fact: If you stick to a balanced diet, drink moderately, do not smoke and work out regularly, you are likely to grow old in good health.


Fit and happy: Do you make others look old?

In spite of modern medicine and latest technologies, it is a fact that we do not live as long as our genetic constitution might facilitate. At the same time we are used to seeing people aging in different ways and at different rates. Unfortunately, life is sometimes unfair and we do not control all aspects of aging... yet it will pay off to continue reading...

Decreasing tissue function

One reason for aging is the decreasing tissue function beginning at the age of 20. A fact that people in their 50s do not worry about being at the very pinnacle of their intellectual and physical capabilities. The secret lies in respecting and adjusting to natural changes associated with aging instead of fighting them. High agility and keen perception in youth are more than compensated by experience and know-how in old age.

Unfortunately, the influence of free radicals and micro inflammations as well as the exhausting attempt of our cells to repair itself cause the body to age. Of course, that is an irrefutable fact. On the other hand, it is a great opportunity to use your personal capabilities and grow old as fit and healthy.

Role of antioxidants

On a cell biological level,  the root cause for aging is free radicals destroying cell structures, thus accelerating our biological “life clock”. These harmful and very reactive substances partly accrue from normal metabolism, e.g. during cellular energy generation. Other radicals enter the body via pollutants such as cigarette smoke. Fortunately, antioxidant substances may counteract the damaging potential of free radicals. Effective antioxidants are beta-carotene (preliminary stage of vitamin A), vitamin C and E as well as the micronutrient selenium. Fresh foods, especially ripe vegetables, fruits and fresh herbs, help protect cells from free radical damage within the body and even prevent cardiovascular diseases. Optimally prepared and savoured this food will make you healthier. Doesn’t that sound tasty?


Micro-inflammations often occur in our body without being aware of it. Every long-term, unilateral mental and physical stress, an imbalance between activity and regeneration as well as any sunbathing and strongly seasoned meal result in an inflammatory cascade, which often affects the whole body. These inflammations rob your strength and use up nutrients at the expense of your vitality.

Two thirds of the human immune system are located in the gastrointestinal tract controlling the propensity to inflammation. Modern Mayr Medicine not only is beneficial to the digestive system but also presents an effective instrument in treating chronic inflammatory diseases such as high blood pressure, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes mellitus type 2, arthrosis and arteriosclerosis.


One of the most effective means of getting well and staying healthy is moderate physical exercise. This is not a matter of excessive weekend training but rather a matter of joyful physical activity adapted to your personal capabilities. Vivamayr’s sports scientists will test your capabilities and will develop a realistic and creative fitness program together with you. Of course, your performance and success will be measured. But more importantly, your success will be sustainable and tangible within a few weeks. Individual, customised anti-ageing does not necessarily mean taking hormones and supplements. We will guide you to your personal ideal of health and vitality.