According to a recent study by Quan Q Dinh and Rodney Sinclair (Department of Dermatology, Australia), more than 55 per cent women experience hair loss, and at least 25 per cent of them suffer from severe hair loss or Female Pattern Hair Loss (FPHL). Balding doesn't just occur in men as commonly perceived.


However, hair loss manifests differently in men and women. While a man loses hair from the front, hair loss in a woman is mostly from the sides (temporal region). This is perhaps nature's way of ensuring that a woman always has some hair on her head, which she can style to cover up her scalp.

Another major difference is in the way donor hair (that can be transplanted) is placed on a man and woman's scalp. While donor hair for men is harvested from the back of their scalp, women have potential donor hair scattered all over their scalp.

There is no way for a doctor to be sure whether hair in a woman is of donor quality so far. This means that hair transplant is not a scientifically advisable option for women.

However, science has offered safe and promising options for women with PRP (platelet-rich plasma). In this case, blood is taken from the patient's body, infused with growth factors and then injected back into the woman's scalp. It is very safe, as it is your own blood that is injected, and is known to give 100 per cent results. This process can be done once a month and results are visible after one sitting.

Another popular option is the hair vitamin injection. Through this process, we inject Biotion (Vitamin H) into the scalp. This helps the hair to grow back. It is also very safe and can be done once in three months.

A lot of women in their 30s and 40s are experiencing pre-mature hair loss because of high levels of stress, pollution and an unhealthy diet. Along with medical treatments, it is also important to take care of one's diet. Women include vitamins (especially D and H) in their diet along with minerals like iron, magnesium, zinc and calcium. Increase intake of foods like fish, egg white, spinach, broccoli and lotus stem in raw or sautéd form to get maximum nutrition for your hair. Wash your hair with a mild shampoo once or twice a week.

The fancy Keratin-based spas and hair smoothening treatments are actually damaging your hair in the long run and increasing chances of balding.

Opt for simple, home remedies like a curd mask instead. Do not oil your hair as oiling can block the pores and increase dandruff, thereby increasing hair fall.

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