Film: Ada... A way of life (A)
Cast: Ayaan Ahmad, Nauheed Cyrusi, Ayesha Jhulka, Rahul Roy
Director: Tanvir Ahmad
Rating: ½
Some people have all the time and money to splurge on unyielding pleasures that translate into unbearable pain for lesser mortals like us. Ada is a case in point. Thoughts like these rush through your mind as you watch the film and wondering what's going on!
Middle-class lad Ayaan turns contract killer; of course, his Allah-fearing Ammi (Jhulka) has not a whiff of his doings. Individual videos, yes videos, follow one after another, each moving back and forth in time, with a brooding and preachy father Anil Anand (Roy) telling his son how he should live when he is gone. The father is killed after receiving death threats from, wait, it’s a mystery dufus!
Ada is a mash-up of such endless mysteries with no inkling of continuity dispersed in a terribly inconsistent story (eh? Was there one? Or is it that bound scripts are a superfluous luxury in family ventures like this one?).
Producer Kazaan Ahmad launches his brother Ayaan with Ada. A more brotherly thing to do would have been to enrol the young man in acting school where he could at least get his basics right. This paean to brotherly love is a pain for anyone foolish enough to venture to watch it.
So high is Ada on the mystery quotient that a list of questions for the filmmaker pops up as you fret and fidget through the screening:
Why is Rahul Roy’s overly Muslim character called ‘Anil Anand’?
Why do the characters use Hindi, English, Urdu and Marathi to deliver their lines?
Did the film come about because there was Urdu shairi ready and worth taking to the audience?
Was Nauheed Cyrusi a last-minute addition?
Forget a way of life, Ada has no proper direction to begin with. If you won't be at peace till you get answers to questions such as the ones above, you might as well spend your time more profitably sleeping. After all sleeping is a way of life, too... and it's painless.