Film: Gone GirlDirector: David FincherCast: Ben Affleck, Rosamund Pike, Neil Patrick Harris, Tyler PerryRating: ***1/2


What it's about:Based on Gillian Flynn's bestselling novel of the same name, Gone Girl traces the disappearance (and possible death) of housewife Amy Dunne (Rosamund Pike). Her husband Nick (Ben Affleck) doesn't seem too distraught, though, even flashing a fleeting smug smile for the cameras. But is he responsible for Amy being a 'gone girl'?

What's hot:While this may not count among Fincher's best adaptations, it does come close. Having Flynn adapt her own work for the screen has its benefits and fall-outs, but then again, we'd like to believe it did the film a world of good. The book definitely had its moments as does this film, and the two experiences are separate from the other, and that's the good thing. Kirk Baxter's editing deserves a nod. The music (by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross) is effective enough to keep you involved. And I have to add this here, Rosamund Pike owns it as the psychotic Amazing Amy.

What's not:Having read the book, I feel Affleck doesn't fit Nick Dunne. And Neil Patrick Harris as Desi Collings seems way too disinterested (is the 'gay off screen, straight on it' act wearing thin already?). He's saying he's obsessed with Amy, but we ain't feeling it.  

What to do:Flaws and all, it still definitely is the Hollywood movie of the week. Go watch it!