Film: Aagey Se Right
Cast:  Shreyas Talpade, Kay Kay Menon, Mahie Gill
Director: Indrajit Natoji

When the reluctant and clumsy Dinkar Waghmare joins the police to follow in his late father’s footsteps, you get Aagey Se Right, a comedy of errors. Waghmare (Talpade) needs a push to get his father’s ageing motorbike working. As he splutters to work, he loses his gun. The film then follows his search for the  gun which goes from B-grade actors to disgruntled retired citizens to teenage thugs.

A parallel track follows an ultra (Menon) who arrives in Mumbai on a mission that gets derailed when he falls in love with Pearl (Shernaz Treasurywala), a bar singer. One of the funnier elements of the film is Janubhai’s transformation from terrorist to lover.

Still chasing his gun, Waghmare becomes an incidental hero whose celebrity brings him in contact with TV reporter Soniya (Gill), his secret love. Eventually the stubbled, fattu cop becomes a star who still doesn’t know left from right. Talpade and Menon make comedy seem easy. But director Natoji’s inexperience shows. The catchy title, like the talented leads, is wasted.