Tanmay Bhat, part of the comedy collective All India Bakchod (AIB), shared a video explaining what he thinks feminism is all about and he did so with eloquence.


"Of course, there will be hate on this comment thread, but man, am I tired of seeing people turn feminism into a bad word" - the status that went with the video was loud and clear.

With the raging debate over gender equality, the word 'feminism' has developed varied perceptions. In fact, the newest word that has been gauged synonymous to this parlance is 'feminazi', which does sound a little wrong. Doesn't it? Considering the fact that, the very idealism that drives 'feminism' is equality and not a subtle image of Nazi Germany!

"If you believe men and women should have equal rights, that's what makes you a feminist,", Tanmay clarified in video that runs close to 3 minutes.

Sadly, he stated, the word feminism is now a descript for a person (read, woman) who constantly whines and complains. Not just that, there is also an apparent class distinction between 'feminists' nowadays.

There is a group that speaks of issues that are 'deemed' more serious, like 'infanticide' and 'dowry'. But they need to understand that what they consider unimportant, like 'wage gap' or 'sexism in films', might be important for someone else.

Each have their own set of problems and not one's is greater than the other's.

This may seem like a funny man ranting, but actually, Tanmay Bhat has spoken of something that needed to be addressed for a while now.

With over 100000 views, this video went viral on Facebook.

Watch the video here: