The mother of all Game of Thrones recaps  is here, presented by Samuel L Jackson.


In total, there are six seasons of Game of Thrones with 10 episodes each season. If we assume that roughly 50 minutes is the air time for one episode, that's 3,000 minutes of pure drama and brilliant TV to be consumed.

Now, there are people who have not watched a single episode of Game of Thrones. Yes, such a species exist— one that do not want to be a part of the pop culture phenomenon created by George RR Martin's book series A Song of Ice and Fire.

But there are strata of people, who because of water cooler conversation at work or because the kids cannot shut up about it at the dinner table, would like to know what is going on. If you are one of those but do not have 3,000 minutes to spare, Samuel L Jackson comes as your saviour. 

In his beautiful, colourful language, Jackson recaps the first five seasons of Game of Thrones in this video. There is Cersei's ego, there are White Walkers the fight at Hardhome, and then there are m*********ing dragons too!

Like a sensible watcher, he also worries about the winter that is coming and that nobody is bothered about.

So get cracking with this curse-filled recap: