Star Wars: The Force Awakens changed the lives of Daisy Ridley and John Boyega in the all the ways possible. But when it came to the downside of the fame, both the rookies got hit badly.


Ridley had to quit social media on account of being trolled for talking about gun violence. Then her co-star in Murder in Orient Express, Josh Gad, kept interrogating her in order to get spoilers for Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Keeping a secret became a curse for Ridley.

John Boyega, on the other hand, had a different experience. 

Appearing on The Graham Norton Show on Friday, Boyega talked about how being a part of Star Wars: The Force Awakens hurt his dating plans.

His date in New York City was going as planned until the girl asked him what he does for a living. The moment Boyega pointed at his poster, holding the blue lightsabre, it turned into a disappointment.

Other guests on the show, Goldie Hawn, Amy Schumer, and Orlando Bloom also shared hilarious first date stories.

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