The Marvel Universe is on the verge of a Civil War. All the superheroes are picking sides. Team Iron Man is led by Tony Stark and Team Cap is led by Steve Rogers i.e. Captain America.


Stark is pro-registration while burned twice Steve Rogers is not trusting the government with the job of keeping a superhero roster.

This fight is making enemies of people who were friends before Tony Stark decided to be Iron Man. Care to guess? Maybe watch the new international trailer, shall help you see.

Get it?

Black Widow/ Natasha Romanoff and Hawkeye/Clint Barton are siding opposite each other. But as we know, both have been an integral part of the other's life. She is Nat to Clint Barton's wife for Christ's sake! But in the trailer we see the duo fight.

They fight without losing their wits. Natasha asks Clint, "We're still friends, right?". Pat comes the reply, "Depends on how hard you hit me!"

The rest of the trailer is the same as we have seen before.

I still cannot control my excitement when Spider-Man responds to Iron Man's "Underoos" call.


The movie is set to release on May 6.