Bollywood actor Anil Kapoor wants India to shine bright with its content in the international entertainment circuit. The 58-year-old actor is one of the most famous Indian exports to West, courtesy his roles in Slumdog Millionaire and in the eighth season of the action series 24.


"I feel a day should come when we make a show in which there will be international actor in it. The show will be inspired by India. We should write, create a content like that. It's a dream," Kapoor said at an event on Tuesday. He launched DVD of noted actor Kabir Bedi's hit international series Sandokan.

"..This is just the beginning, a tip of iceberg. People made fun of me (when I was doing international work). I never looked back," the actor said.

When asked if he would like to cast Kabir Bedi for his television action series "24", Kapoor said, "I cannot afford him. People think there's lot of money in television, but it's a wrong impression".

Echoing Kapoor, Bedi said Indian actors are making "place" for themselves among international actors.

"There is a rise of Indian talent. Anil going there doing work...It's a huge joy. We would like to see more actors from here. Indian actors are making place (sic)," Bedi said.

The hit international series "Sandokan", starring Bedi in the lead, had taken Europe and Latin America by storm in late 70s. The six-hour mini series dubbed in Hindi is released as a DVD.