Actress Vidya Balan has been the talk-of-the-town ever since she hit the screen in her raunchy bold avatar as Silk in The Dirty Picture (TDP). She followed it up as the preggie Vidya Bagchi in Kahaani, and not just became a BO wondergirl but also got awards in her kitty. But the actor feels that both success and failure are a part of the game. What is more important is the way you raise the bar. “I feel that everyone wants to be part of successful movies, but then to take a risk is the real deal.


Run-of-the-mill films are bound to get the expected response. But I choose a script on the basis of the kind of role I have in it. The more challenging it is, the more it excites me. I feel that if I am so kicked about it then maybe even the audience will be,” says Balan.

Of late Vidya is associated with plenty of healthy food products. Is it her voluptuous figure that gets her these offers? “Maybe. My curvy Indian body makes me an ideal face for a healthy food product’s brand and trust me, it’s good. We are humans and to run this machine called the body, we need to refuel it with healthy and an adequate quantity of food. Starving and depriving ourselves just to look skinny for the sake of fashion is a sorry thing. I am very happy the way I am and so are my audience as they can relate to me,” she says.

Vidya has been experimenting with her looks onscreen ever since she has joined the industry. However, off-screen one often finds her wearing saris, “I have experimented with my looks right from Parineeta where I had to look very Bong.

Then in Munnabhai I cut my hair shorter and wore flowy skirts. In Heyy Baby and Kismet Connection,  I had more western-style outfits and a short hairdo. In No One Killed Jessica, I was in loose shirts and denims and a de-glam look. Then TDP, it was a makeover that I underwent and Kahaani again was maternity-style clothes. So when I do so much onscreen I prefer wearing saris in real life. It’s one style of garment I just adore and I can live in them forever,” adds Vidya.