Celebrity chef Sanjeev Kapoor is known for making fusion food by mixing two or more Indian cuisines.


He is a well-known celebrity host, and his Twitter account is filled with the videos of quick-fix recipes for foodies on the go.

But this time around, the chef seems to have irked people by presenting Malabar cuisine with an unfavourable twist.

On Wednesday, he put out a video for a dish called Malabar Paneer. Giving vegetarians a chance to taste all the spices of Malabari cuisine without having to eat any meat.

The celebrity chef was trolled on the micro-blogging platform for replacing meat in the dish with Paneer.

Some were upset with the choice of the main ingredient, some saw it as an imposition of North Indian culture on the South, then there were some who thought it was Hindu-right's agenda. Here are the reactions -

Basically, hell broke lose. But there is no word on if people have actually attempted to cook Malabari Paneer.