We take our cues from screen characters we love, what with their crazy-good (yet, sometimes cheesy) lines and unforgettable storylines. But it’s not all hunky-dory in Love-on-TV-Town. Sometimes, people screw up and they do so, badly. Here’s how you avoid being that person! Don’t do the following ...


Forget your new girlfriend’s name...

Like Jerry Seinfeld did in this one episode. Since going out with her, he has conveniently forgotten her name (it’s Dolores, BTW). It gets to the point where she tells her she really likes him and he actually can’t recall her name and she figures it out and walks out. He eventually does remember, but it’s too late by then. Does her name rhyme with a body part, though? Well, not something you ought to tell her either way.


Like Schmidt did on New Girl. Remember that one time Cece and Elizabeth showed up to the same party? He clearly couldn’t decide between which of the two to be with. In an ideal world, not such a bad place to be, but nobody is stupid enough to do the same thing when both show up to your office party. He barely manages the feat, but not before a few minor disasters. But just because he can, doesn’t mean you will be able to, too!

Be mean to a blind date

Michael Scott is not really the ideal boss or boyfriend material, for that matter. Don’t be like this man from The Office. On this one episode, he walked up to the wrong table and sat across a gorgeous woman only to find out she wasn’t his blind date. What he did next with the actual date, is shameful for all men to know.

Tell your date you love her at the first meeting

Love at first sight is a legit thing. It happens. But however sure you are about your feelings about your date on our first outing, bottle it. Keep it hidden until after the first few meetings. Don’t do what Ted Mosby does when he  goes out with Robin Scherbatsky for the first time. She gets creeped out. You don’t want that happening with you, right?

Say your ex’s name out loud

Can name a number of places not to blurt it out loud. The most obvious place, should you be getting married on V-Day, is not to say it during your vows. There’s no coming back from that one. Say sorry and hope for the best. Don’t be a Ross, say ‘Rachel’, and make the worst excuses to cover that goof-up up. Just don’t!