French black and white drama The Artist won gold at the 65th British Film Academy Awards winning seven trophies including Best Picture, while Meryl Streep continued with her winning streak grabbing the Best Leading Actress gong.The awards, which are Britain's equivalent of the Oscars, gave the Best Film trophy to The Artist, a French homage to old silent film era Hollywood, over other critically acclaimed films like The Help and The Descendants.The film's star Jean Dujardin took home the Best Leading Actor award, leaving behind the likes of Hollywood bigwigs like Brad Pitt (Moneyball), George Clooney (The Descendants) and Gary Oldman (Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy).Director of The Artist Michel Hazanavicius won prizes for directing and his original screenplay.The Artist has already won three Golden Globes and has 10 Oscar nominations.Streep was named best actress for her depiction of Margaret Thatcher, Britain's first female prime minister, in The Iron Lady, a role which has already won her a Golden Globe last month.Others nominated in the best actress category were Berenice Bejo (The Artist), Michelle Williams (My Week with Marilyn), Tilda Swinton (We Need to Talk About Kevin) and Viola Davis (The Help).Octavia Spencer was given the Best Supporting Actress BAFTA for her turn as a fiery maid in Deep South drama The Help, leaving behind Carey Mulligan (Drive) and Judi Dench (My Week With Marilyn).Christopher Plummer won the Best Supporting Actor award for Beginners.Bollywood actor Anil Kapoor presented the Film Not in the English Language BAFTA to Spanish film The Skin I Live In which saw off competition from A Separation (Iran), Potiche (French-Belgian), Pina (German) and Incendies (Canada).