In a newly launched PETA campaign, South African cricketer Wayne Parnell strips calls for the ban on the use of wild animals in Indian circuses.


The advertisement, shot by ace photographer Himanshu Seth, shows Wayne as shirtless and shackled in chains, with the words ‘Try and relate to their fate. Say no to Animal Circuses’ emblazoned on the poster.

“I choose to participate in sport, but the animals used in circuses aren’t given any choice at all,” says Parnell. “Animals in circuses suffer a lifetime of abuse — all for a few cheap tricks.” Clearly, the cricketer has found a new opponent — circuses that force wild animals to perform unnatural and painful tricks and Parnell has poured his heart out to the plight of the animals that are domesticated in circuses.

Even though the government of India has banned the use of bears, monkeys, tigers, panthers and lions in such performances; other animals continue to be used extensively and are subjected to chronic confinement, physical abuse and psychological torment.

Moreover, bears, monkeys, etc., continue to be used illegally in entertainment acts, including street performances.