Contrary to reports that Sonam Kapoor is a recent convert to vegetarianism, the actress says that it isn’t a recent development.


Says Sonam, “I stopped eating meat four or five years ago. What has happened now is that I’ve stopped consuming milk and milk products. I am lacto-sensitive.”

And unlike most vegetarians, Sonam doesn’t believe in tom-tomming about its benefits. “I am not saying it is good or not good to be a vegetarian. To each his/her own. In my own home, my mother is a strict vegetarian, always has been. And I’ve taken after her, I guess. But my dad is not a vegetarian. He only eats white meat. So I guess everyone has his or her own dietary rhythm to follow. We can’t make hard and fast rules about it,” she says.

But she will talk about certain social issues. “For me, art is related to what is happening  in our society. If I keep quiet about an issue I believe all those who believe in  me they will  feel let down. So yes, I am not afraid of expressing my opinion,” she adds.

Reaching out to those who believe in or follow her, also brings with it, its share of responsibilities. And she’s aware of that. She says, “I take my  responsibility very very seriously. I will never speak about individuals, but issues that affect our country. I love my country, But that doesn’t mean I’ll lie about its weaknesses. I am not blinded by my love for my country. We can’t just keep praising everything falsely. We can’t grow that way.”