FIFA World Cup 2014 is a great leveler as fans of soccer's biggest extravaganza are united off the field because of their passion for the game. The lines between the aam junta and celeb world diminish during this month-long sporting spectacle that has everyone picking their favourite sides and players. We got popular actors from the small screen to take sides. Here's what they had to say.Shamin Manan: I am football fan. I am rooting for Brazil and my favourite player is NeymarVipul Gupta : I am big fan of soccer. My favourite teams are Holland and Argentina and I am rooting for Messi and Arjen Robben from Netherlands.Sumeet Raghavan: I am rooting for Brazil and Ronaldo.Rithvik Dhanjani: I am definitely a football fan. This year again I am rooting for Spain and my favourite player is Fernando Torres.Mishkat Varma: I am supporting Portugal and Cristiano Ronaldo.Shritama Mukherjee: My favourite team is Argentina. Favourite player is Lionel Messi - the magician better known as Ml10. He creates magic on the field.Gunjan Utreja: Brazil is my favourite team… They are one of the strongest contenders for the World Cup this year. Though there have been many new generation icons. But I am a fan of PELE.Arif Zakaria: My favorite footballer will have to be like Lionel Messi. I support Argentina but I doubt they have the skills to emerge in the top four.Siddarth Shukla: My favourite team for a very long time has been Italy, but I also like Argentina and Brazil. And I am a big fan of Messi.Salman Yusuf Khan: I have just started following football. My favourite for now is Argentina and my I really like Messi.