Actor Shia LaBeouf comes out clean!


As CNN reports, charges against Shia LaBeouf, of misdemeanor assault and a harassment violation after getting in a scuffle during an anti-Trump rally in New York City in January, have been dismissed.

A spokeswoman with the Queens District Attorney's Office said La Beouf was given a "pre-arraignment dismissal," citing insufficient evidence.

According to police, the actor and a 25-year-old anti-Trump protester got into a verbal exchange in front of the Museum of the Moving Image. The former was accused of scratching the latter?s face when he pulled his scarf. The incident occurred at the actor's anti-Trump art installation.

On the same note, the ?Fury? star?s first court appearance would have been late next week.

(This article has not been edited by DNA's editorial team and is auto-generated from an agency feed.)